

Loans are key to the game in the early phase, because you'll want to expand quickly. Loans have two elements to them: the interest rate, and how long they go. Every year, you'll pay some interest on the loan, and at the end of their duration,
you pay back the principal. Make sure you have enough money to pay back the loan when it comes due! If you have to take out another loan to pay it off, it's usually better to do so than to go into bankruptcy. If a loan comes due, your finance
department will try to take out an emergency loan to cover the amount, although it won't be at a good interest rate.

If you do go into bankruptcy, don't be so quick to come out of it. After all, you've already taken the prestige hit, so
why not take advantage of it? Bankruptcy reduces all your maintenance costs, and removes all of the debts. You can stay
in bankruptcy until you either leave it voluntarily by hitting the button, or you've had twelve straight profitable months, or you've gone three years. You can't lay track or buy shortlines until you leave bankruptcy, so there are reasons why you may want to get out of it.

You don't win the game by having the most cash, but by having the most prestige, so don't focus just on building up your worth. Use that cash to build more aggressively, and smarter, than your opponents! You may have to flirt with bankruptcy, but that's what it takes to win!

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