Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character.
Arma: Unlock all other characters. Arma will visit you in the morning. Complete the Lapis Ruins in Endless mode and she will give you her card.
Caillou: Reach merchant level 3. Caillou will place an order. Complete the order, then sell him items until he gives you his card.
Charme: Defeat her in Jade Way and sell at least two items to her. She will then enter the shop during an event.
Elan: Unlock Charme then do the pub event at night, then the merchants guild morning event. Sell two items to him.
Griff: Complete the Obsidian Tower in Endless mode. Griff will visit during two evenings and will give you his card.
Louie: He will be unlocked the first time you go to the adventurers guild.
Nagi: Randomly appears in dungeons after day 9. Meet her four times in the dungeons, then wait for her to visit the shop. Sell to her a few times.
Tielle: Do Tielle's events in the morning or afternoon in the Town Square. Complete Jade Road and Amber Garden then sell an item to her.