
Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Cheat Codes

1. Create a copy of your single player desktop shortcut.
2. Right-click on it and select "properties".
3. In the "Target" field, add the following to the very end (outside the quotes): +set sv_cheats 1
4. Click OK.
5. Launch the game using that shortcut.

Once you're in the game, you should be able to use the following cheat codes (hit the "~" key to bring down the console, then type them in):

Cheat Code - Effect

/god - God Mode
/notarget - Enemies Do Not Attack
/noclip - No Clipping
/give all - All Weapons and Ammo
/give armor - Give Armor
/give health - Give Health
/give stamina - Give Stamina
/give ammo - Give Ammo
/nofatigue - Unlimited Stamina
/kill - Suicide
/cg_uselessnostalgia 1 - Original Wolfenstein Interface
/give # - Give Item # (See List)

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