Problem guest
Enter "Nancy Stillwagon" as a guest name or find her among your existing guests. When you are watching her and/or she is happy, she is wonderful. But, eventually she starts causing problems including stopping Ferris Wheels from turning, Swing Ship from swinging, and jamming the boats on the Log Ride. In all cases, the ride will remain open, (not broke down). As a result, the mechanics are not called. Wait about fifteen to twenty minutes until she starts getting unhappy, and something will break down that the mechanics cannot fix. Check the guests on that ride, and there will be a very good chance that she is one of them. To quickly find her, click on the "faces" on the far right side of the game, then grab the slider bar on the right. The guests are listed in alphabetical order by first name. If you have a lot of guests, it will be difficult to grab the slider bar. She will be near the bottom of the page. If you have over 2,000 guests or so, she may be on page two.