Even More Codes
Here are ALL the console (key [~]) commands for cheaters, use them in conjuction with the Cheat Mode code.
Note: these commands are recognized only in different specific game areas:
? : retrieves help for the command
bestbuy : sells units cheaper
toggle_tow : shows/hides the tabbed output window
add_money : adds an amount of money
to a faction's coffers, can be negative, default is player faction
add_population : adds an amount of
population to a settlement, can be negative
move_character , : moves named character to position
on campaign map
auto_win : the attacker or defender wins the
next auto-resolved battle
: creates one or more units of the specified type
toggle_fow : toggles the fog of war on or off
toggle_restrictcam : toggles camera restrictions on or off
give_ancillary : gives the character an
give_trait : gives the character a
trait at level (default = level 1)
process_cq : completes all (possible) construction pending in queue
character_reset : resets the character back to it's start of turn settings
show_cursorstat : shows the cursor position and region id
toggle_terrain : toggles the terrain to display various data sets, no param
resets to normal
give_trait_points : gives the character
points for trait
list_traits : lists all the available traits
list_ancillaries : lists all the available ancillaries
mp : gives the character movement points
list_characters : lists all the characters in the world or
those belonging to a faction
show_landings : shows the landing positions available
to the ai from a given region, default hides them
filter_coastlines : applies filter to world map coastlines
toggle_coastlines : toggles strategy map coastline display
set_building_health :
sets health of a building of the specified type (eg core_building)
in a settlement, so that the final health percentage is as specified
ai_turn_speed : sets the maximum speed of turn processing during
the ai round
amdb_min, amdb_max : sets aerial map overlay depth bias for min, max zoom
amdb_offset : sets aerial map overlay offset towards camera
zoom : zooms to specified aerial map zoom
set_ranking_interval : sets the denominator of the faction ranking graph
interval which is calculated as (number_of_turns / denominator) ;
if set to 0, then the denominator will be set to number_of_turns,
giving an interval of 1
regenerate_radar : does what it says on the tin
adjust_sea_bed : adjusts whole sea bed to specified height
reload_shaders : reloads all vertex shaders
reload_textures : reloads all textures
toggle_game_update : fire (mt | toggle | reload | int)
toggle_perfect_spy : toggles everyone's spying ability to perfect and infinite
range, and off again
building_debug : toggles building debug mode : TAB to toggle view modes,
RIGHT SHIFT-TAB to reset mode, LEFT SHIFT-TAB to go back modes, G damages
mouse-over building, P displays plaza
reset_display : forces a display_close() ; display_open() display reset cycle
toggle_underlay : ...
toggle_overlay : ...
process_rq : completes all (possible) recruitment pending in queue
force_diplomacy : forces the negotiator to accept or
decline a proposition
diplomatic_stance : set the
diplomatic stance between the two factions
shadow : ...
ie : ...
invulnerable_general : makes that named general invulnerable
in battle
test_ancillary_localisation : adds all ancillary to the character info display
perf_times : toggle display of simple performance times of game update vs display
burn_piggies_burn : ignite all the piggy winks
test_message : test the event message specified in descr_event_enums.txt
show_terrain_lines : display defensive terrain features
message_collation_set : set the message collation on or off (sets all factions)
show_all_messages : show all messages to all factions (on/off)
clear_messages : clear all the current stacked messages
puppify_my_love : mmmkay...
reapply_rigid_model_influence : ...
toggle_flowing_water : toggles display of campaign map flowing water
nw_stats : toggles display of network stats
toggle_pr : toggles pr mode
list_units : lists all of the units in an army
victory : show victory message for faction for short or long
trigger_advice : triggers an advice
damage_wall : damage wall of settlement ;
forces 40% damage to a random gatehouse and a nearby straight section ;
destroys gatehouse if 'gate' parameter present ; breaches wall if 'breach'
test_victory_scroll : opens up
the victory scroll declaring that the given faction is the victor
date : changes the campaign date to the given year
season : changes the campaign season to the given season
upgrade_effect : triggers unit upgrade effect
force_battle_victory : forces the local player's alliance to win the battle,
completely destroying the enemy alliance
force_battle_defeat : forces the local player's alliance to win the battle,
completely destroying the enemy alliance
output_unit_positions : output the positions of all units in the
battle to the specified file
show_battle_paths : show all valid processed paths in the pathfinder
show_battle_paths_for_unit : show all valid processed paths
in the pathfinder for a specific unit given a unit id
show_battle_street_plan : show the street plan for the settlement
show_battle_marker : display a marker at (x, y) for t seconds
show_battle_circle : display a circle at (x, y) of r radius
for t seconds
kill_faction : removes the faction from the game
: creates a diplomacy mission
event : creates an event at position
kill_character : kills a character with the given name
control : switches player control to specified faction ;
old faction may not act correctly as ai faction
create_building : creates a building
of the specified type in a settlement ; for building level see
export_descr_building.txt.create_building.failed to build building
capture_settlement : evicts any resident characters and
armies and gives the settlement to the local player
disable_ai : disables the ai, so that it does nothing
halt_ai : halts the turn sequence just before the
start of the specified faction's turn, or the current faction if no
faction given
run_ai : re-starts an ai turn sequence after disable_ai or halt_ai has been