Cheat Codes
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "user.ini" file in the game folder. Search for the "G=" and "T=" entries and change them to "G=God" and "T=CheatPlease". Begin a game, press T to enable cheat mode, then press G to enable God mode. Note: The keys must be pressed again after each new level is started. The following codes may also be enabled:
Effect - Code
Invisible to enemies - invisible
Kill all enemies - killpawns
Infinite air when underwater - amphibious
Flight mode - fly
No clipping mode - ghost
Disable flight and no clipping modes - walk
Spawn rune - summon runeofpower
First person view - behindview 0
Advanced options - preferences
Disable all non-player characters - playersonly
Toggle full screen mode - togglefullscreen
Spawn indicated item - summon [item name]
Level select - leveltravel or open [map name]
Advance to level with acquired items - switchcooplevel [map name]