Cheat Codes
While playing, bring up the console with CTRL and ~. Then type any of the following codes:
Cheat Code - Effect
/Scrap.SetMoney # - Add # Money.
/Scrap.SetSaveVar [number] - Set lives.
/evil - You can't dead.
/free - Noclip Mode.
/freeze - Everyone don't move (except you)
/go - Unpause game.
/god - Can\'t be dead.
/killer - Unlimited energy.
/megagod - Ultra fast weapons.
/speed # - Change Time Speed in World.
/stop - Pause game.
/unfreeze - Disable freeze.
/yoda - Enemies die when close to you.
Easier time killing enemies with lives
During story missions where you have to destroy an enemy with a certain amount of lives. Save after each time you kill them. If you die, load. You will load with full health and they will be missing a life. This works well for fights with the gambler and others.
Quick money
First, be sure you have 2000 money.Then talk to a banker and challenge him to a fight, and bet in 2000 scraps.If you beat him you will get 2000 scraps.Challenge and beat him until you have the amount of money you want. This is a good and fast money making method and you can even challenge him for 12000 scraps if you have enough money!I made 5 one day with this method.