

Levels of Fame

Fame and You:

Bottom Feeder: 100 - 199
Hotshot: 300 - 399
Icon: 1,000+
Idol: 700 - 799
Luminary: 800 - 899
Megastar: 900 - 999
Nobody: 0-99
Phenom: 500 - 599
Sensation: 400 - 499
Superstar: 600 - 699
Wannabe: 200 - 299

There is no further progression beyond the rank of Icon. Though, one can assume the developers will add additonal ranks in the near future as an Icon is not a Shot Caller and there is always the one at the top pullng all the strings. One can hope that we are given the option in the near future to create our own gangs and apply our own custom ranks/titles to members i.e. mule, prison wolf, rabbit, etcetera.

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