Get 250 generals
Go to your ..\settler2\data\missions\ directory there are several rtx files. Mis_0000.rtx - Mis_0009.rtx are the campaign missions. Edit them with your favourite txt editor.
Now I could have written a ten page manual about how to do this, but I'm just too lazy, so here goes:
In the first section of commands (beginning with !Set_Commands=Player1 or alike (depending on version) for player 1 and the same for player 2 and so on.) In som missions you are player 1 and in some you are player 0. However, you are always the player the list begin with.
There is a long list looking like this:
!Add_People= 0 #
!Add_People= 1 #
The !Add_People= 26 # offset shows the number of generals in your HQ. Set # to whatever number you want between 0 and 250.
Of course you can experiment by raising another !Add_People offset number. 29 for instance means "Pack Donkey". You can also add wares in the !Add_Ware list. Placing houses is also possible in that list, but that requires coordinates to work.
That's all I guess. Remember to change file formats back to rtx if you renamed them.
NOTE: Editing these files doesn't modify your savegames. It only changes the starting stats of the missions.