

Sheltered Cheats...

  Sheltered Walkthroughs

   Easy "I'm Giving You All She's...
   Easy "TKO" Achievement...
   Various Steam Achievements...

Easy "I'm Giving You All She's Got" Achievement

Upgrade the oxygen and water fileters, the generator, the workshop, and both doors (internal and external). The workshop must be upgraded to level four. All components of both filters and the generator must be upgraded to level four. The doors must both be upgraded to their maximum level. Although other items can be improved (shower, bed, toilet, pantry, water butt, stove, etc.), they will count as discrete items and not upgrades. You do not have to deconstruct your Workshop 1 items and replace them with Workshop four items.

Easy "TKO" Achievement

Use the Subdue combat option, and pass the roll. Each weapon has a hidden base chance to subdue. It is 0% for most weapons and slightly higher for pipes or brass knuckles. The Courageous trait gives a bonus of 5% to the subdue roll. Set your parents to strength 10 to maximize the hit chance and have the Courageous trait for the +5% subdual chance.

Collect first aid kits and equipment and build until you have enough facilities to keep the kids in food and water for awhile. Having the Troubled stats or the Violent stats preset is also recommended because the hit chance is based on relative Strength scores. Also, pipes have the best subdual chance among the starting weapons.

You can also consider the Horse pet, which allows you to hit more locations with the water supply available. Set up a expedition and wait for a single stranger to threaten you. Choose to fight instead of fleeing. Repeatedly subdue your target and use a first aid kit to heal any family member whose hit points drop below 40%. You will eventually roll well enough to subdue them. Note: The "Dazed" status is inflicted if you miss the subdual roll by ten or less.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock

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