Trading Glitch
When trading with the AI, you can use two major glitchs: 1: Give any strategic or luxury resources and as much gold per turn as possible, then click the option what will you give me for this?, the AI will break and will offer insane amounts of gold and gold per turn just for the resource. 2: Ask for whatever you want from the AI (cities included) and start putting gold (not gold per turn, only normal gold) until they accept the deal, then reduce until you're as close as possible to the required amount, Ex: 25890 Gold of 26000 required, and click on the option make this trade equitable, this will break the AI and will ask an amount of gold per turn proportional to how close you were to the real price. (I bought 5 cities for 3 gold per turn and a jeans in emperor difficulty). This glitch can also be used in multiplayer matches that include AI, but will surely get patched soon.