
Sims 2, The

Move Motives up and down

YAY! I have finally descovered how to move your sims motives up or
if you want, down!

(Note: Can cause bad glitches)

On neighbourhood veiw bring up the cheat box, ctrl+shift+c then type in

boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

(Include spaces where put)

Then load your chosen family and once on there just click+drag your sims
motive up or down!

You can have really high energy and really low bladder, up to you.

(Note: Can cause bad glitches)

The cheats which I think are safe are:
Motherload (Don't over use)
Kaching (Don't over use)
MaxMotive (DONT Over use)
ForceTwins (Don't over use)

They are the safest, because
boolprop testingcheatsenabled a bad hack!

Any questions or want to know more things you can do with that cheat, contact me on "!

Thank you x

Bethany x

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