Increased skill points per level
Go to the directory where you have installed the game. From the main directory enter the
"data" folder. From there goto "Config" folder. There will be two text files, open "config"
text file. In the text file somewhere around line 10 there is a code which should look like
the below two lines:
(pointsOnNewLevel 5)
(pointsOnLevel1 15 15 15 20) # si³a, zrêcznoœæ, wiedza, wytrzyma³oœæ
The top one is for skill points you get per level advancement and the lower one is for the
levels you start with at the start of the game.
Increase the numbers to get more skill points at each lvl.
(pointsOnNewLevel 500)
(pointsOnLevel1 15 15 15 20) # si³a, zrêcznoœæ, wiedza, wytrzyma³oœæ