Cheat Mode
Hold [Shift] + [Ctrl] while typing one of the codes:
Effect - Code:
Increase weapon strength - weaponstrength
Spawn 10 Quark Bombs in space - 10bomb
Spawn random base in player's system - rndbase
Open closed map sector - openmapsector
100,000 credits - hugemoney
All enemies explode - boom
All ships hate Rangers - haterangers
All equipment repaired - repair
Klisanov in each system increased to 12 - klissanmax
Klisanov ships invade system - klissancall
1000 ranger points - rangerpoints
Random gun costs 1 credit in store - lowcostweapon
Two Quark Bombs in hold - bomb
Random artifact appears in hold - artefact
10,000 credits - bigmoney
All unneeded equipment dropped from ship - drop
Item storage requirements reduced in space - paking
Scientists develop good klisanskoye item - klissanitem