Achievement | How to unlock
| - Secret achievement in Quarry.
| - Contributed to the Indiegogo campaign.
| - Secret achievement in Modular.
| - Completed one level in challange mode.
| |
| - Gathered 2000 coins in multiplayer.
| - Failed to beat your own score in a replay.
| - Beat your own score in a replay.
| - Completed all campaign levels with normal difficulty.
| - Completed all campaign levels with easy difficulty.
| - Foud all 61 bonuses in the campaign.
| |
| - Secret achievement in 3D.
| - Grabbed Jump without using the pipes.
| - Completed all campaign levels with Green mode.
| - Played the early acces version.
| - Completed 8 advanced levels with hard difficulty.
| - Secret achivement in Swamp.
| - Secret achievement in Waterfalls.
| - Achieved a top score on the leaderboards.
| - Complete Mirror without picking up Shrink.
| - Completed 8 advanced levels.
| - Completed 8 advanced levels with Challenge mode.
| |
| - Completed 4 advanced levels.
| - Collect every coin in Maze at least once.
| - Completed the Maze level without touching the walls.
| - Completed all campaign levels with hard difficulty.
| - Secret achievement in Breach.
| - Secret achievement in Waterfalls.
| - Complete Volcano without picking up Jump and Boost.
| - Assimilated more then 100 balls.
| - Secret achievement in Swamp.
| - Completed Pitt without grabbing jump.
| - Shocked by a shield 500 times.
| - Secret achievement in Breach.
| - Secret achievement in Tutorial.
| - Completed all campaign levels with challenge mode.
| - Won 20 assimilation games without being assimilated.
| - Secret achievement in Sawmp.
| - Beated the developer his score.
| - Secret achievement in The Mirror.