Achievment | How to unlock
| - Create and share 50 buildings.
| - Make and publish 50 vehicles.
| - Create and publish 100 different creatures.
| - Die at least once in every stage of Spore.
| - Spend more than 50 hours in the Creators.
| - Stumble across one of your own creations when exploring the universe.
| - Have one of your creations or Sporecasts featured on the Spore website.
| - Evolve a creature from cell to intergalactic space traveler in one continuous game.
| - Use a cheat more than 50 times.
| - Send a photo or video to a friend from the Test Drive mode.
| - Have 5 different Sporecasts subscribed to by at least 10 different people.
| - Make 5 Sporecasts of 50 assets or more.
| - Spend 100 hours in your Spore galaxy.
| - Spend 50 hours in your Spore galaxy.
| - Play every game level and use every creator at least once.