While playing, press enter and type IMPERMEABLE. This should make it harder for your enemies to damage your systems and your shields will take longer to fall. This works on any species.
Better Cloaking Capabilities
During an Instant Action game, press Enter and type SEEYOULATER to make your cloaked ships impossible to find. This only works if you are the Romulans or Cardassians. It will not work for ships you have taken over or assimilated.
Better Ship AI
Whilst playing press Enter and type CANOFWHOOPASS and press Enter again.
Enter Gamma Quadrant
The only way to enter the gamma quadrant is to go to your bedroom and have a nap. The cheat IMOUTTASTEPWITHREALITY does nothing. The gamma quadrant is probably mostly uncharted for this reason.
Enter Gamma Quadrant
Whilst playing press Enter and type IMOUTTASTEPWITHREALITY and press Enter again.
Fast Crew Production
Whilst playing press Enter and type AVOIDANCE and press Enter again.
Fast Ship Production
Whilst playing press Enter and type YOUSTOPMECOLD and press Enter again.
Faster Warp
During gameplay, press enter and type GOBABYGO. This will make your ships go at least twice as fast, depending on what race you are.
Mission Skip
Whilst playing press Enter and type KOBAYASHIMARU and press Enter again.
More dilithium
Whilst playing press Enter and type SHOWMETHEMONEY and press Enter again.
More Powerful Weapons
During gameplay, press Enter and type TARGETAQUIRED. This works best with the Borg, and can only be used with the Borg, Klingons, and the Federation.
Transport Through Shields
While playing, press enter and type GOTCHA. This will allow you to transport without dropping your shields. The blue shimmer around your ship will still appear, but your systems wont take damage the same way they would with your shields down.