
Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force

8472 Disguised as Boothby

First off, you need to have the Expansion Pack, so you can go to Virtual Voyager. Okay then, let's get to the point. If you have see the episode of Star Trek - Voyager where Species 8472 is training spys to infultrait Starfleet Command, you must know that they had one disguised as Boothby. If you don't know who that is, he is an old man that tends to the gardens at Starfleet Academy. Anyway, go to the holodeck on Deck 4 - Hazard Ops. In the Tranquil Gardens holodeck program on Virtual Voyager, you see Boothby walking around on the side of the area. I found this on the "Difficult" setting. It might work on other settings. I haven't tried it yet. When you see Boothby, shoot him. After one shot, he stays the same, but pulls out a phaser and shoots at you. Shoot him again, and he dies, but he comes back as an 8472. Then kill him, and that's it. But it's pretty cool, seeing as how only Bio-Hulks from Captain Proton are supposed to attack you.

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