
Defeating Shadowtroopers

A way to kill Reborn or Shadowtroopers easily is to grip them, therefore turning of their sabers and lowering their defense. Then, quickly Saber Throw them. This should kill them in one hit and nearly always works.

After you defeat a Shadowtrooper, remember to take their Forcd Crystal. It contains a temporary Force boost that may be useful.

To get two Force Crystals from a Shadowtrooper, get a Distruptor Rifle from the NS or Bespin levels. Do not use it after you arrive at Cairn Dock1 (this is the first place you meet a Shadowtrooper). When you meet the Shadowtrooper, kill him. You will get a Force Crystal. Quickly change your weapon to the Disruptor Rifle, then shoot the maximum-powered shot to the dead body. You will get another Force Crystal.

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