
Star Wars: Rebellion Cheats...

  Star Wars: Rebellion Walkthroughs

   Easy Fighter Killing ...
   First person view...
   Sweeper diplomacy...
   Take a planet ...

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Easy Fighter Killing

This is for places like Coruscant where there are a lot of fighters. Get a fleet really close to the enemy system. This fleet should have 2 Corellian Corvettes and 1 Escort Frigate (Nebulon B's if you have them) but NO FIGHTERS.

Jump into the enemy system and unpause. When the enemy fighters start moving, pause and jump into hyperspace. The fighters will have reached you and exchanged shots. If you were quick enough they won't damage you but their squad size will be reduced. Repeat as needed.

First person view

Highlight a ship during a battle and press [Tab].

Sweeper diplomacy

Take at least 3 to 4 diplomats and send them to 3 to 4 different planets in one sector. Have them run diplomacy missions. Keep sending your diplomats to every single planet in the sector and then do the same for all of the sectors. Do this quickly, because the other side may want those same planets. Try starting this diplomacy campaign around day 25 or 30.

Take a planet

First target an enemy system and bulid 8 either bulwark battlecruisers or 8 super star deystroyers and commence a planetary bombardment (which will deystroy all their defenses) then invade the system with 12 or more regiments (this should elimanate all chances of a uprising) then continue to run diplomacy missions until the planet is loyal to you.

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