Strategy Tips
Don't run unless you are travelling between locations. (ATV is also great for this). Running will spook any animals that are close by.
Running/walking on the roads is quieter than running/walking in the vegetation.
Wearing a backpack increases your visibility and noise levels significantly.
Don't use callers too often. It spooks the animals.
ATV's are useful but they do scare animals.
Having your flaslight on at night does not spook the animals or increase your visibility level.
Keep you weapon loaded. There is nothing worse than having an animal nearby and you can't shoot it. And it can be handy if there's a bear nearby.
Hunting pressure. When you down an animal a purple spot appears on your map at the place you shot it. It roughly takes 30 seconds to 1 minute to appear. No shot = no kill. The pinker/purpler the spot the more chances of animals avoiding the area. Best to move around.