
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Easy "Enhanced Lethality Demonstrated" achievement

Play Mission 2: Insurgent Stronghold on the Rookie difficulty. A few minutes after the mission begins, you will have to go under a wooden bridge. At this point, you should have a full execution meter. While you are under that bridge, shoot at it until the guards hear you. This will make them group up, which is what you want to happen. They need to be as close as possible together. There is also a checkpoint in that area -- so you can keep retrying, if necessary. When you reach the other side of the bridge, go through the building, up the stairs, and wait at the window outside. Wait until the two guards inside the house and one from the outside are in your line of fire. Mark them, and use your execution to kill three enemies at once. Before shooting them, throw some flashbangs so the other enemies will not attack you. Then, quickly kill an enemy with hand-to-hand combat to fill up your execution meter, and mark and execute the remaining three enemies. Note: You must equip the strongest armor in the game or else the enemies will kill you. Activate the sonar vision on your goggles to see enemies quickly.

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