Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
| - Fall off the dock an unacceptable number of times.
| - Sorry, you can't climb those ladders, but here's an achievement.
| - Take down Chet's sphere by getting to the controls instead of throwing things at it.
| - Catch big air with a pigeon.
| - Get farther than the developers could in endless mode.
| - Stage Haymarket reenactment.
| - Offer friendly riot police officers a coke.
| - Unlock all three extra workers at level start.
| - Capture a slippery capitalist in a net.
| - Liberate a building at the worst possible time.
| - Less knockback from fire hoses.
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| - A powerful historical artifact!
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| - Heavy-hitting pipe fitting.
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| - A faithful comrade in battle.
| - I'm rubber, and you're glue.
| - Stop your opponents cold.
- Obtain Socialized Medicine
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- Obtain Solidarity Megaphone
| - Temporary boost to workers.
| - To better deal with lasers.
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| - Run faster. Cheeki Breeki.
| - Get through any street fighting level without throwing anything or hurting anyone.
| - Get a ride with GuaiHair.
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- You Can Definitely Outrun Them
| - Avoid fighting every segway cop in a level.