Achievement | How to unlock
| - Win the Battle of Ueno without capturing any of the key temple buildings. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Play a historical battle. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Sink an HMS Warrior-class ship. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Playing as the Choshu, incite 3 rebellions in the same campaign using an ishin shishi. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Construct a railway between 2 provinces. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Sink an enemy ship by ramming. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Create a second avatar for use in avatar conquest mode.
| - Attain the maximum level of clan development. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Declare your independence and complete a campaign. [Fall of the Samurai only]
- Father of the Imperial Navy
| - Playing as the Tosa, carry out 5 naval bombardments in the same campaign. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Playing as the Satsuma, construct a trade district and trade with a foreign power within the same campaign. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Gift your co-op partner an army or navy.
| - Call in naval fire support during a land battle. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Playing as the Jozai, win 3 ambush battles in the same campaign. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Win a campaign on legendary difficulty playing as either the Satsuma, the Tosa or the Choshu. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Win a campaign on legendary difficulty playing as either the Aizu, the Jozai or the Nagaoka. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Complete all historical battles. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Defeat a Fall of the Samurai army with a Shogun 2 army.
| - Carry out a bombardment with a French ironclad in your navy. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Defeat a Shogun 2 army with a Fall of the Samurai army. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Chase down and rout an enemy unit as it tries to escape the Battle of Toba-Fushimi. [Fall of the Samurai only]
- One Hundred Sacks of Rice
| - Playing as the Nagaoka, research any eighth tier technology. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Complete the Battle of Hakodate without any Imperial units being routed. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - As the defender, recapture a tower.
| - Win a battle with British ships in your navy. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Win a battle with United States Marines in your army. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Max out any [Fall of the Samurai] avatar skill tree, by spending a skill point in each skill within a single skill tree.
| |
| - Complete the Battle of Miyako Bay with the Kotetsu having taken less than 25% damage. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Obtain a maximum level agent of each type. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - As the attacker, burn a castle's gates, towers and tenshu to the ground using fire arrows and win the battle.
| - Win the Battle of Osaka after both bridges get blown up by the defenders. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Sink an enemy ship with torpedoes. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Playing as the Aizu, carry out 3 successful assassinations of generals in the same campaign using a shinsengumi. [Fall of the Samurai only]
| - Win the Battle of Aizu after provoking all four hidden armies at once. [Fall of the Samurai only]