Cheat mode
Press ~ during game play to display the console window, then type giftfrompterodon to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes. Note: Most of the codes can only be used in single player mode.
Effect - Code
Restore health - chtheal
Restore health for team - chthealteam
Weapon select - chtweap <0-30>
Refill ammunition - chtammo
Get grenades - chtgrenades
Enemies cannot hurt you - chtkostej
Access all quick fight maps - chtallqf
VC and NVA wear Indian masks - chtcannibals
Toggle third person view - cht3pv <0 or 1>
Toggle frame rate display - showfps <0 or 1>
Toggle stat display - showprof <0 or 1>