Cheat Codes
While playing, press Enter and type any of the following "Codes", then press Enter again.
Code - Effect
iseedeadpeople - Full Map
allyourbasearebelongtous - Instant Victory
somebodysetupusthebomb - Instant Defeat
thereisnospoon - Unlimited Mana
whosyourdaddy - Invincible
strengthandhonor - Continue playing after losing in campaign mode
warpten - speeds construction
iocanepowder - fast deathdecay
keysersoze[amount]gives you x gold
greedisgood[amount] gives you x lumber and gold
leafittome - gives you x lumber
pointbreak - removes food limit
motherland[race][level] - level jump
somebodysetupusthebomb - instant defeat
whoisjohngalt - enable reaserch
sharpandshiny - researches upgrades
synergy - disables tech tree requirments
riseandshine - sets time of day to dawn
lightsout - sets time of day to dusk