
Raise pet's stats

The best way to do this trick is with an auto-clicker (for example, the RuneScape Auto Miner). Go to your "Equip" section, and select "Train Pet". From there, select the pet you wish to have stats go up for. For the auto-clicker, press [Ctrl] + A once your mouse is over the "Play Game" selection (the Frisbee-looking picture). Set your "Intervals" to "600", and make sure your event is "Left Click". Next, press [Crtl] + R to start it. It will now automatically play that game with your pet for as long as desried. After awhile, you will notice the stats slowly rising by one (Wisdom, Stamina, etc.). Do it as long as desired or until you max out the pet. Without the auto-clicker, just keep pressing the Frisbee-looking picture in the "Train Pet" area.

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