
Command & Conquer Cheats...

  Command & Conquer Walkthroughs

   All Levels On The GDI Disk...
   Extra Covert Operation Mission...
   Full map...
   Instant ion cannon...
   Japanese narration...

All Levels On The GDI Disk

Select password option then enter:


Extra Covert Operation Missions

Enter COVERTOPS as a password at the password screen. (Game must be completed first).

Full map

Pause gameplay and press Circle x3, Up, Circle, Square, R1, Circle x3.

Instant ion cannon

Pause the game and enter right, down, left, left, down, right, right, down, left, x, square, triangle Instant nuke: pause the game and enter right, down, left, left, down, right, right, down, left, x, up, x Instant air strike: pause the game and enter right, down, left, left, down, right, right, down, left, x, square, circle instant money: pause the game and enter right, down, down, left, L1, left, right, down, left Bonus level: in password screen enter PATSUX.

Japanese narration

Enter GODZILLA as a password at the password screen.

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