
Day 1

Mike wakes up with a headache,so get him to the bathroom which is on the right In the medicine cabinet,you'll find an unlimited supply of tablets.Mike only needs 1 dose per visit.Click on the shower stall so Mike can make himself presentable. Next you'll need the Library card.Go to the 2nd upstairs bedroom thru the door on the rightof the bathroom.You'll detect the Library Card in the pocket of the

raincoat(activate the examine icon and click on the pocket afew times).Mike should take the card.You may view it if you wish. Go downstairs.On your office desk you'll find plans to mike's new home and they do show a secret passage in both the study and bedroom where Mike sleeps.Now that you know there is a door here,you can use the hand to open it.It has a tendency to close behind you,s0 go backand open it.Climb the ladder.On the second floor you'll find some rope;TAKE IT.Exit the passage but make sure it remains open.If either of the secret doors close,they can cause problems for you on the darkside.

Depending on how much time you've taken,the doorbell may be ringing.If so,run downstairs and answer it so it will stop.Surprised by the package?Now head back upstairs and go straight to the attic.There's a watch under the largest trunk; you can move the trunk using the hand icon on the lower corner of the trunk. Take the watch and wind it .The ancient timepiece will help you keep track of game time.Now that you've moved the chest,you can step out onto the balcony.Tie the rope to the gargoyle you find there,thus providing another means of access to the house.

Now exit the balcony again,climd down the rope and enter the garage from the rear.Open the trunk of the car and examine the area.You should find a crowbar. Take it.Climb inside the car and take the glooves from the gloove box. Head around the front of the house and read the paper that's lying there. Go back inside,run to the attic and open the trunkon the right with the crowbar.You'll find some interesting reading there.Go back outside and move right towards the heart of Woodland Hills.

Once in town you'll need to visit the library and the grocery store.In the library you must find the bobby pin on the floor infront of the Librarian. Look hard;IT'S THERE.Give the young lady the card you found earlier.She then tells you to go to isle C.Once there ,click on the green book to recieve an important message.Read the message.There is nothing else to do here for the moment. Next go to the grocery store and purchase a bottle of scotch.Delbert shows up and hands you a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card and asks you over to his place tomorrow at six.

Go home and open the clock case to find the JOHN MCKEEGAN name plate.You should still have plenty of time left for snooping.So look about the place until the librarian calls.After she calls run back into town and pick it up.Now go home again and go to bed.

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