

Descent Cheats...

  Descent Walkthroughs

   +10 lives, Mega Weapons, all l...
   All keys...
   All level access...
   Brighter screen...
   Cloaking Device...
   Final Level Passwords...
   Mega Weapons...
   Shield Recharge...
   Strange Colors...

+10 lives, Mega Weapons, all level access

Triangle, X, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle, X

All keys

Square, X, Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, X

All level access

Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square

(Do NOT pause before entering these codes)

Brighter screen

Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle

Cloaking Device

Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, X, Triangle

Final Level Passwords



* Always keep moving. If you sit still, the robots will tear you apart.

* Use your side buttons as much as possible to avoid enemy fire. Sliding left or right at the last moment will cause missiles (even homing, smart and mega missiles) to miss you.

* Find the exit before you blow the reactor. The way out is not always the way you came in.

* Clear out your exit path before blowing the reactor. Time is tight when you're trying to get away. Having to duke it out can cost you precious seconds.


Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, X

Mega Weapons

Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square

Shield Recharge

Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, C, Triangle, X, Square, X, Triangle, X

Strange Colors

Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle


Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, X, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X

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