
Dragonball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 Cheats...

  Dragonball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 Walkthroughs

   5 extra fighters...
   Alternate Costumes...
   Big Zarbon...
   Captain Ginyu Easy Win...
   Easy Wins as Goten...
   Easy Wins as Goten...
   Extra characters...
   Frieza Long Range Explosive Br...
   Gogeta Hyper Move...
   Gogeta Real Three Fire Ball At...
   Gogeta Three Large Fire Balls...
   Gogeta: Dash Special Moves...
   Gogeta: Special...
   Goku Combo...
   Gotenks Moves...
   Kid Buu...
   Kid Goku...
   Master Roshi...
   Mr Satan...
   Multiply as Tien...
   New Fighters...
   Rapid Fire...
   See Oolong...
   SS3 Goku Moves...
   SS3 Goku Moves...
   Super Buu Special Attack...
   Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack...
   Super Saiyan 3...
   Super Saiyan 3 Goku...
   Super Saiyan 3 Goku...
   Tien's Beam Attack...
   Trunks' Omni Slash...
   Ultimate Battle 27...
   Vegeta: Fire Ball...
   Vegeta's Special...

5 extra fighters

After the little movie where you see the 22 fighter's press up triangle down x left L1 right R1, and you will see another little movie featuring 5 extra fighter's.

Alternate Costumes

To get Alternate Costumes, highlight a fighter at the character selection screen and press Start.

Big Zarbon

Press Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Square. Zarbons muscles will grow large and he will charge at the opponent and hit him many times.

Captain Ginyu Easy Win

When playing as Captain Ginyu, let the CPU beat you up until your health is low and then preform the Damage Body Change (Back Half Circle Back). If it hits your opponent will switch bodies with you.

Easy Wins as Goten

For Easy Wins as Goten, do the following strategies:

Android 16: Right any way desired, but be careful when he takes off his hands.

Android 18: Fly into the air and back yourself into a corner. She will not try to throw you, instead she will attack furiously. Wait until she is vulnerable, then throw her.

Cell: Throw him when he is powering up.

Frieza: Wait until he headbutts, then throw him.

Dabura: Wait until he takes out his sword, than throw him after he lands.

Easy Wins as Goten

Follow the steps below to have easy wins as Goten. (Only)

Ginyu: He is a big energy user. He will use his special blast when he has low energy. Wait until he sounds like he is saying "Hot Sauce", then throw him and use your special blast.

Gohan: Dont try jumping over him because he can uppercut you. Instead, wait until he powers up, then throw him up and use special blast.

Goku: Wait until he uses the Elbow Smash, then throw him and use special blast.

Goten: Fly into the air and wait until he jumps in the air and looks as if he is flying further into the air. Run under him and when he lands, throw him.

Extra characters

To unlock 5 additional characters, press UP, Triangle, DOWN, X, LEFT, L1, RIGHT, R1 at the title screen. If entered correctly, the title should read: "Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 27"!

Frieza Long Range Explosive Breaker

Press Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Circle to have a Long Range Explosive breaker as Frieza.


To unlock Gogeta, enter the Ultimate Battle 27 and defeat Gogeta in Build Up Mode Block 5.

Gogeta Hyper Move

Press Half Circle Forward, Half Circle Back, Square to use Gogetas Hyper Move.

Gogeta Real Three Fire Ball Attack

Press Left, Right, Down, Up, Circle to get the Three Fire Ball Attack as Gogeta.

Gogeta Three Large Fire Balls

Press Half Circle forwards, Half Circle forward, Circle to get the Three Large Fire Balls attack as Gogeta.

Gogeta: Dash Special Moves

When playing as Gogeta you can do two special moves while dashing (holding R1 or L1). While holding R1 or L1, press Square or X and Gogeta will fade out, reappear, and attack.

Gogeta: Special

Press Down, Right, Forward and Gogeta will shoot three large fireballs. A lot of energy will be required.

Goku Combo

Press Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Square to use a combo as Goku.

Gotenks Moves

Rapid Fire: Press Half Circle Back, Forward, Circle.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack: Press Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Circle. You can control it or as long as you want, but takes up a lot of energy.

Super Saiyan 3: Press Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Square.

Kid Buu

To unlock Kid Buu, you have to unlock Majin Buu and complete two games with him. Then play three more battles with him and win the first two, and lost the third.

Kid Goku

To unlock Kid Goku, first enter the Ultimate Battle 27 and defeat Kid Goku in Build Up Mode Block 1.

Master Roshi

To unlock Master Roshi, enter the Ultimate Battle 27. Then defeat Master Roshi in Build-Up Mode Block 2.

Mr Satan

To unlock Mr Satan, first enter Ultimate Battle 27 and defeat Mr Satan in Build Up Mode Block 3.

Multiply as Tien

Press Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Square, to multiply as Tien.

New Fighters

After the FMV intro rolls, at the title screen, press UP, TRIANGLE, DOWN, X, LEFT, L1, RIGHT, R1. You should hear a tone and see new animation. The title screen will now read "Dragonball Z: Ultimate Battle 27", and you'll have five new characters to pick from.

Rapid Fire

Press Half Circle Back, Forward, Circle.

See Oolong

If both players select Kid Goku and one of them loses, Oolong will transform back into himself from one of the Kid Gokus.

SS3 Goku Moves

SS3 Goku is only available through Ultimate Battle 27.

Hyper Elbow Smash: Press Quarter Circle Forward, Square.

Double Halo Stomp: Jump then press Forward, Down, X.

Forward Flip: Press Down, Back, Forward, X.

Back Flip: Press Down, Forward, Back, X.

SS3 Goku Moves

SS3 Goku is only available through Ultimate Battle 27.

Double Forward Flip: Press Half Circle Forward, X.

Energy Concentration: Hold Back, then press Forward, Circle.

Kamehameha: Press Half Circle Forward, Circle.

Chou Kamehameha: Press Down, Back, Forward, Circle.

Ultimate Kamehameha: Press Half Circle Back, Forward, Circle. Note: Ot takes up almost all of your Ki.

Super Buu Special Attack

Press Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Circle to use Super Buu's special attack.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack

Press Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Circle. You can control it for as long as you want, but it takes a lot of energy.

Super Saiyan 3

Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Square.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku

Beat the entire game with Goku, start another game and win once. Lost the next match and then you will have Super Saiyan 3 Goku.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku

To unlock Super Saiyan 3 Goku, enter the Ultimate Battle 27 and defeat Super Saiyan 3 Goku in Build Up Mode Block 5.

Tien's Beam Attack

Press Half Circle Back, Half Circle Forward, Circle. Tien will shoot six invisible beams. Note: This move will use most of your power.


When fighting teen Trunks and both of you are shooting energy blasts, Trunks will un-Super Saiyan for a split second and that is your time to attack!

Trunks' Omni Slash

Press Right, Left, Down, Up, X to use Omni Slash as Trunks.

Ultimate Battle 27

Press Up, Triangle, Down, Left, L1, Right, R1 at the title screen after the FMV sequence. A chime will confirm the correct entry. This will unlock Ultimate Battle 27 which allows more fighters to be available.

Vegeta: Fire Ball

Press Up, Down, Circle to summon a fire ball in front of Vegeta. Do this in the air directly above your enemy and it will still connect and hurt your opponent.

Vegeta's Special

Press Right, Down, Left, Right, X to use Vegeta's special attack.

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