

Earn Money Easily

1) Have a memory card in the second slot so that you can get the wild dragons when you go to the memory forest. Make sure you have a dragon that has evolved into a senior (snr).

2) Get enough money from tournaments to buy many knives and pot lids from the shop.

3) Now with your dragon, go to the memory forest to get the wild dragons. Get the dragons with the best weapons and reflectors. (Note: you can get the same dragon as many times as you can, as long as you have enough biobanks in the game.)

4) Go to the biobank. Exchange your dragon for any of the wild dragons that you had just caught.

5) Go to your apartment. Equip the wild dragon with the knife and pot lid. In the same menu, go to the weapons and the reflectors that your wild dragons previously had (not the knife and pot lid). You can sell them off by choosing the "discard" option.

6) Voila! You've earned profits from buying a 10g weapon and 30g reflector. 7) To finish, bring your wild dragon back to the memory forest and release it. Repeat steps 4 through 7 until you do not have any more wild dragons left in your biobank.

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