
Final Fantasy Tactics

Easiest Job Mastering Method

Note: This only works on classes where you can scroll down and up on their skills list. Also, you must have enough JP to buy a skill. Doing this cheat on the Summoner class will allow you to buy all of the skills, but the game won't classify Summoner as a mastered class.

When you go into a classes skill list, select any skill you can buy. When the confirmation window comes up and asks you if you want to buy the skill, hold Square. Press Up or Down while holding Square and you'll see that the skill list scrolls down/up as well. If you are highlighting a skill that can't be purchased yet and the skill you selected isn't on screen, then try to buy the skill. One of two things will happen: Either all of the skills can be bought or they can't. If none of the skills can be bought, check the JP for that class. If you have 0000 JP, then the cheat worked. This also applies if they are all available to buy. Exit out of the skill section, back to the Abilities setup screen. Then go back to the skill list you used the cheat on. You will have 9999 JP, more than enough to buy all of the skills.

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