Solo Ramza Challenge Recommendations
This is an optional challenge. The challenge is to complete the game using only Ramza. It is very easy to do, but at times it can be difficult. There is a complete strategy guide to the SR Challenge on GameFAQs. Below is a list of the best method of completing this challenge.
1.Try to go through the game without going into random battles. If a random battle occurs, reset the game.
2.Before removing units, remove all equipment from them. This way, just in case equipment gets stolen, you'll have spare equipment.
3.Master the Calculator job as quickly as possible. It becomes very useful later on in the game.
4.Use the MP Switch/Move-MP Up combo in almost every battle you are in. MP Switch allows you to take MP damage instead of HP damage if you have any MP left, and Move-MP UP makes sure you have at least some MP left. MP Switch will activate very often no matter how little MP you have.
5.The first level really requires that you have 2 Chemists other than yourself in the battle for healing, so it really doesn't count as a SR Challenge battle. Also, in the same battle, if Delita doesn't kill the Squire that attacks him first on his second turn, reset the game as the Chemist will heal that Squire and all the opponents will swarm you.
6.If you die, reset the game unless there's a guest Unit close by who knows Phoenix Down of the Chemist job and has Item as the secondary skill. If they fail to heal you on the first chance, they won't attempt to revive you through the rest of the fight and will let you turn into a crystal.
7.The Yell/Accumulate combo will be required a lot in the beginning. By those two skills ASAP.
If you follow these procedures and use the strategy guide, then you can beat the game in around 13 hours with only the main character.