
Jumping Flash

Jumping Flash Cheats...

  Jumping Flash Walkthroughs

   Adjust Cloud Speed...
   Hyper Mode...
   Level Select...
   Super Mode...

Adjust Cloud Speed

At the main menu hold L1, L2, R1, R2 and press Up or Down .

Hyper Mode

To do this, first enter the stage select code. Go to the first boss, beat him and when you get to stage 2-1, pause the game and quit. After getting back to the main screen, the words world 2 should appear by the game start. Start the game again, and go to world 6-3. Pause the game and quit again, this time the words world 6 will be next to the start screen. Press Left and you will see the word ''HYPER'' appear. Start a new game with this code and you will be able to play Extra stages and also jump 3 times higher than you normally could. You can also press Triangle to fall faster and do more damage to enemies. Pressing L1 and L2 will make you run faster and jump farther.

Level Select

At the title screen enter the following code - Up, Up, Down, Down, X, X, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, T, X, T.

Super Mode

Complete the game once (first playthrough, not the Extra stages) without using continues and Super Mode will become selectable from the main menu. Start a new game in this mode and you will be able to jump 6 times instead of 3. You can also press Triangle to fall faster and do more damage to enemies. Pressing L1 and L2 will make you run faster and jump farther.

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