
Various Cheats

Before you can enter the following cheats, you must first pause the game and press Down, R1, Up, Square:

Bones Airstrike: Press Down, Up, Circle, Down, Up, Down, R1.

Cow Drop: Press Up, Down, Down, R1, Right.

Dummy Decoy: Press x, R1, Right, Circle, x, Up, Square.

Invincibility: Press Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Right, Up, Left, R1, Square.

Mortar: Press Left, R1, Triangle, Square, Right, Circle, Left, left.

Nuke: Press Down, Up, Square, Triangle, Down, Circle, Circle, Right.

Sniper Grenade: Press Up, Square, R1, Left, Circle, Triangle, Square.

Super Chain Gun: Press Left, R1, Down, Square, Triangle, Up, Down.

Super Speed: Press Right, Circle, Triangle, Circle, x. (During gameplay hold down the R2 button for Super Speed.)

Thumper: Press Down, Up, Left, Left, Triangle, Up, Right, Down.

Tornado: Press Down, R1, Square, Triangle, Right, Up, x.

The Worlds Most Interesting Bomb: Press Down, Right, Circle, Circle, Left, Left, Up, Square, Triangle.

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