To play as Chameleon select a male ninjA. At the beginning of a fight hold R1,R2,HK,HP,and back until a puff of smoke poofs and Chameleon appears.
Enable Smoke & other cool stuff
On the screen after the prepare for kombat type this X,L1,L2.A sound will indicate you did the code right.OK,On the Kombat Kube press up The block turns to a blue ? Then enable everything you want and have fun!!!
Random Character Select
First, go to the character select screen. For player 1, move to Noob Saibot and press up+start. The cursor will go wild and move around to some of the characters. Which ever one it lands on, that is the one you will be fighting with. For player two, do the same except move to Rain and press up+start. The same thing will happen again.