Perfect Weapon Cheats...
All Sphere Mode...
Big Head Mode...
Level Select...
Play as Cyborg Blake...
Unlimited Health...
All Sphere Mode
Pause the game and press L1 + L2 + Circle + Square.
Big Head Mode
Pause the game and press L1 + L2 + R2 + Down.
Level Select
Pause the game and press R1 + Square, Triangle, Circle, X.
1st Moon - XSXSSCSC
2nd Moon - CXXTCCXT
3rd Moon - CTSCSSTT
4th Moon - CXXXTCTT
5th Moon - XXSXSSTC
Play as Cyborg Blake
Pause the game and press R1 + R2 + Triangle + Circle.
Unlimited Health
While playing, pause the game then simultaneously press Circle+Square+Right, then simultaneously press R1+R2+Left.
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