Obtain the Special Key
Ever wondered what's in that locked closet in the Dark Room, you know, the one that says "It's locked. A spedial kind of key is required ". Well, here's how to get that key. Start a new game on Normal Difficult. When you start the game, DO NOT PICK UP ANYTHING! This is extremely hard as you have to resist the temptation of early collectables. Make your way to the Police Station, battered and bruised, and go in the gate. You know that place inside the gate that goes down under the police station? If you go inside the gate, keep ging forward, and you'll see a passage ging down. That's the one I'm talking about. Anyway, go down there and you'll meet Brad Vickers! Brad was the one who saved Jill and Chris in the first game, only now he's a flesh eating zombie that needs loads of killing. Run past him for now, and take a trip inside the police station, collecting loads of guns and ammo (It's alright to do this now). When you've got everything you need, go back to Brad and blow that poor soul's brains out. When he is finally dead, search him. He has possession of the Special Key! Right, go back into the Police Station again, into the Dark Room, unlock that closet, and what do you know! Extra costumes! If you're using Claire, you will find this skimpy cowgirl suit, complete with bandana and The Colt S.A.A gun, a quick-firing sharp-shooter that is fired from the hip. If you're using Leon, you will find two costumes (no weapon). You will have the choice of number 1 : A leather jacket, jeans and fingerless gloves. With this costume, Leon will aim his gun with one hand like a gangster! number 2: Army style! Slack army trousers, blue vest and baseball cap. Leon will aim his gun the same way as with the other costume.