Hidden Mega Monster
Let me warn you right now, this should only be tried if your characters are at their max and have most of the spells in this game otherwise the monster will mop the floor with you.
Head over to Shrike and enter the Bio Research Lab. Head over to the stairs (make sure to avoid the lab guys as best as possible cause you'll need a lot of WP's and JP's to defeat the mega monster) and go up the stairs. Go into the libary room and walk up to the bookcase thats across from where you came in.
After some careful searching in front of the bookcase you should hit a switch that will make the bookcase move. Head down the ladder (By the way if you want you can make a side trip while on the way to the monster and pick up a hidden character called Cotton) and out the doorway. You should be in the stairway now. You can head up the stairs and get Cotton if you want but you'll have to fight some monsters to get him.
Head down to the doorway on the bottom of the stairway and go thur it. You'll enter a greenhouse type area. Go down the stairs and avoid the room in the upper left area of this room for now. Take the small route to the right of the stairs you came down till you reach the room in the middle, right side of the room. Go through the door and avoid the lab guy whose near where you came in. Go up the ladder and defeat the lab girl and then walk over to the console that has the red switch on it. Hit the O button and you'll unlock the door lock on the mega monster room. Now head all the way back to the stairs in the greenhouse area while trying to avoid the lab guys. Now head up to the upper left room. Quicksave it before entering the room otherwise you'll have to go through everything again to get back at the monsters room if you die.
Warning: If you're sure you can beat this monster then good luck. So far I've counted how much damage I've dealt to it and it's tallied up to 31,000 and above before it killed me while I was using T260G in his type8 body. Be sure to have your best guns, armors, and tech's up when fighting the monster.