Become Extremely Powerful in a Relatively Short Time
There are several methods to become very powerful that are available quite early in the game, here are a few.
1.In the beginning of the game, there is a mountain dungeon that isn't meant to be faced until much later, thusly the enemies will raise your characters' levels VERY quickly. At first they'll kick your butt, but with every victory you eke out, you'll become stronger [kitchen knife skill makes things easier here, btw] you can build your characters to 3000 hp levels here with some work.
2.Make sure you learn pickpocket [poker face and courage skills] and save up 40,000 bucks. Make your way over to Clik harbor and purchase a thief's glove. Now you can go on a world stealing tour, and get many things. Very notably, there is a man in Mars who carries a treasure box, which when used will dispense three random items. Once you get it, save your game and open it until you get what you want. Though it usually gives you items and such, it occasionally gives you VERY powerful weapons including the Force Sword, the Sorceress Knuckle, and the very rare and powerful Marvel Sword.
3.Later in the game, in the colusseum, the A-class battle earns you right around 100,000 exp, and allows you to quickly build levels until about level 105 [note: Level 90 is adequate to beat the limited version last boss]
4.On one of the snowy islands near Giveaway, there is a shop that sells magical rasp, which allows you to create the most powerful weapons and armor in the game.