Special moves
Everyone has 3 special moves
All moves done on ramp or half-pipe, not kicker or walls and such.
The one the little booklet tells you
Secret Moves
Geoff Rowley - Right, Down, Square
Bucky Lasek - Down, Up, Square
Chad Muska - Right, Down, Triangle
Kareem Campbell - Up , Down, Triangle
Andrew Reynolds - Left, Left, Square
Rune Glifberg - Up, Down, Square
Jamie Thomas - Up, Up, Triangle
Elissa Steamer - Up, Down, Circle
3)Either McTwist, FrontFlip or Backflip:
McTwist - Left, Left, Cirle
BackFlip - Down, Up, Circle
FrontFlp - Up, Down, Circle
(You have to test these out per character. Each character has only 1 of the ones above)