Game Sponsors
To hear the game sponsored by various EA Sports programmers, simultaneously press and hold L1, R1, L2, R2. Keeping the buttons held, press one of these combinations:
Erik Kiss -- Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle
Chuck Osieja -- Up, Triangle, Up, Square
Darren Stone -- Up, Triangle, Up, Circle
Chris Johnson -- Up, Triangle, Up, X
Duncan Lee -- Left, Square, Left, Square
Brent Nielsen -- Left, Square, Left, Circle
Pauline Moller -- Left, Square, Left, X
Steven Rechtschaffner-Left, Square, Left, Triangle
Tony Lee -- Right, Circle, Right, Circle
Ernie Patzel -- Right, Circle, Right, Triangle
Michael Sokyrka -- Right, Circle, Right, Square
Frank Faugno -- Right, Circle, Right, X
Jon Spencer -- Up, Triangle, Up, Up
Alex Garden -- Up, Triangle, Up, Down
Daniel Ng -- Up, Triangle, Up, Right
Mike Swanson -- Up, Triangle, Up, Left
Gary Lam -- Left, Square, Left, Left
Anne Geiger -- Left, Square, Left, Right
Edwin Gomez -- Left, Square, Left, Up
Tom Zuber -- Left, Square, Left, Down
Kirby Leung -- Right, Circle, Right, Right
Adrienne Travica -- Right, Circle, Right, Left
Wendell Harlow -- Right, Circle, Right, Down
Geoff Coates -- Right, Circle, Right, Up