
Blood Will Tell

Defeating the final Demon

First, The boss will fly around the outside of the area, shooting fire balls at you. As you move to get out of the way of them he will stop just long enough to get one shot from your rocket launcher. As his health gets to the red, he will shoot out more fireballs, Wait for the right time to shoot him. Next, the Boss will come up to the side. This is one of the easy parts of the fight. He will start to move a hand back and forth across the ground. Stay to the side to avoid it. Hit it once or twice to get it to stop and jump on it. You will then be brought to his face. That is where you can do damage to him. He will shoot a lightning bolt at you if you do not hit him enough times. He will then throw you back. Repeat this until his head splits in half. Next, the Boss will try to stun you with lightning bolts and bursts of air when he takes off and lands. Try to keep from being hit as much as possible, if his head if facing you when he lands, he will shoot out a beam. Try to stay to his side or back when he shoots out the beam. You must then run up his tail and onto his back and attack the
spikes back there. Try to destroy them as fast as possible; the hand at the end of the tail will try to grab you. You can move out of the way, but if it gets you it will try to throw you into the beam. You can jump out of the throw. However, be sure you go in the correct direction so that you will not hit the beam as you destroy the spikes. There are two layers for each one, and for each one you destroy you will remove one of the lightning that you will have to watch for. In the next part of the battle, he will start dive bombing you. Only use the sword and nothing else. You must do a combo to stop him, and this works best with just the sword. With each hit you will slow him down, but get pushed back yourself. After you get the hits in to stop him, what appears to be his heart pops out. Charge up the sword and do a 48 slash combo on him.

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