The Initiative
Here you're Spike. lots of undead soldiers here. bust 'em up, but run away when their heads explode because some have grenades filled with bad stuff for vampires like you. the hardest part is the cyborgs. when you trip the alarm, it's a clue. you go into the next room, and there's a hot water pump. hit it until it explodes. you'll now be able to see the sensors! jump over them so you don't set them off and go into the control room. slay some bad guys and hack the security system. check the lockers and chairs. jump over the sensors again, or you trip the alarms and start the whole level over. the next hard part is a closed quarentine room with a cyborg soldier. use the EMP grenades to temporarily shut down his manframe. open the cage closest to the door to your right. pick up the severed head and retinal scan it. the cyborg won't follow you through the door. in another room, you find out how to kill the cyborgs. you also get to use an M-116 assault rifle on a truck once you find the ammo. when you climb a ladder and end up in a hole like area about 5 feet wide, there'll be a minifilm showing the cyborgs getting up. toss in an EMP bomb or 2 and jump in. if they didn't get hit, throw another one. then, hack the computer and shut them down. then, go through the door where a film will show Adam. when fighting him, the mindless undead guys chase you, so don't stop running around the Pit. Every so often, Adam will pick up a barrel. throw an EMP grenade and he'll drop it on his head (haha). repeat this until he dies. then you'll get the body part.