Tournament Requisitions
You cannot buy the next tournament in line even if you beat the previous one unless you have the required amount of characters. Novice requires 8, i think you start off with that many anyways. Adept requires 16, playing through dragon Universe with Goku should get you about 8. Advanced requires 32, almost all of the characters in the game are required, and for some reason doubles and triples of the same characters are counted as seperate people ( kid Gohan, teen, and adult, as well as the Buus and the 2 Trunks'). NOTE: someone gave a list of how to get the characters, which although is very useful, is not 100% acurrate. For example, you do not have to defeat Broly twice to get him, although in some circumstances like the diffuculty level, you might. And Videl ccan be found by playing Gohan and looking on one of the islands at the south end of the map. It will not be a red dot and I'm not sure when you get her except it's at the very beginning. You will know you will get her because you will be talking to Yajerobi.