
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3

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Dabura:In story mode defeat Dabura with Teen Gohan

Great Saiyaman:In story mode defeat cell with Teen Gohan or Kid Gohan

Bardok: In the beginning of DU fly over to Raditz's spaceship, you should see a ???. Enter it and you should get him.

Brolly: Beat him on the second time through as Goku instead of Kid Buu.

Gogeta Capsule: On a time through as Goku/Vegeta.Instead of fighting Uub/Brolly,you receive an invetation from their sons to fight in a fusion. Just win that fight.

Cooler: After beating Frieza under where you beat him, should be SS Vegeta. Beat him and Vegeta will tell you about him. Go to Cooler's red mark and beat him.

Vegeta: Play through dragon universe with goku

Fat buu: Play through dragon universe with goku

Kid buu: Play through dragon universe with goku

Kid Goku: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Broly

Teen Gohan: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Kid Gohan

Gohan: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Teen Gohan

Great Saiyaman: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Gohan

Goten: Defeat Goten in Dragon Universe mode with Gohan

Vegeta: Defeat Vegeta in Dragon Universe mode with Goku

Trunks: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Vegeta

Kid Trunks: Defeat Majin Buu in Dragon Universe mode with Vegeta

Videl: Go to plains (point 4 on map) with Gohan

Captain Ginyu: Defeat Captain Ginyu in Dragon Universe mode with Goku

Recoome: Defeat Recoome in Dragon Universe mode with Goku

Frieza: Defeat Frieza in Dragon Universe mode with Goku

Android 17: Defeat Android 17 in Dragon Universe mode with Piccolo

Android 18: Complete Dragon Universe mode with Krillin

Dr. Gero: Defeat Dr. Gero in Dragon Universe mode with Yamcha

Cell: Defeat Cell in Dragon Universe mode with Teen Gohan

Majin Buu: Defeat Majin Buu in Dragon Universe mode with Goku

Super Buu: Defeat Super Buuin Dragon Universe mode with Goku

Kid Buu: Defeat Kid Buu in Dragon Universe mode with Goku

Uub: When fighting kid buu use the spirit ball technique and win

Vegito(Goku): Defeat Super Buu as Goku in Buu's Body in DU

Vegito(Vegeta): Defeat Super Buu as Vegeta in Buu's Body in DU

Gogeta (ssj2): After defeating Broly In Dragon Universe Mode Defeat Gotenks At The World Tournament Arena

Gogeta (ssj4): In Vegeta's DU instead of fighting Kid Buu go find Goku who is now a Super Saiyan 4. Defeat him and you will get this Fusion.

Trunks (young): Defeat Majin Buu in Dragon Universe mode while playing with Vegeta.

Gotenks: Buy in the capsule shop.

Dr. Zoidberg: Defeat Syn Shenron in his Omega form using base Kid Goku.

Android 16: In Krillin's Dragon Universe mode. Got to one of the islands near Roshi's house and take hime to Bulma in West City for repairs to get him.

Oceanic Shenron: Beat Omega Shenron with broly 5 time without losing

Kujila: Get everyone to at least level 10 in the Dragon Arena

Cell JR: Piccolo will randomly appear in Dragon Arena, beat him to get Cell JR.

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