
The Dragon Balls

Within the game you can collect the seven Dragon Balls. In order to get them, you have to buy them at Mr. Popo's shop. However, they are very rare. They cost 8000 Zenie each and will only appear in a "Recommended" or "Gambled" Capsule. After collecting all seven, go to the Caps List option in the "Edit Skills" menu. Then go along to the second to last list. If all seven Dragon Balls are present, press X and you will be asked if you wish to summon Shenron. Select "Yes" and you will be given the option to "Breakthrough" three random characters. Breakthrough is a Capsule which will open all the Death Moves, Transformations, and Physical Moves of the character in possession. However, it takes up seven ability slots and cannot be equipped in conjunction with anything else. After choosing your character, the Dragon Balls will disappear and you will have to collect them all again. If you do not like the random choice of three characters that Shenron powers-up, restart the PlayStation2. All your Dragon Balls will still be there when the game is resumed. Summon Shenron again until you like the choice of the three random characters.

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