
Enter The Matrix

Finish An Agent Level Faster

In Chinatown you have to run from agent Smith or agent Smiths. One of those levels you will end by getting on a small truck. If you fall on the truck, the game should start loading for the next level. When the loading stops, you should still be on that truck. A policeman should be walking by, just wait a second and the policeman will get shot by an agent. I'm not really sure because I have noy been on that level in a long time. The Goal Tracker/Destination Arrow should be pointing right Unless the difficulty setting is on hard. Instead of going right, go left, the same direction where the bullrt came from that hit the policeman.Like I said, I'm not sure, but if I'm right there shoul be a yellow or gold fire escape that you can climb. After climbing the lader there wiil be a door you can enter.

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