
ESPN NBA 2Night 2002

ESPN NBA 2Night 2002 Cheats...

  ESPN NBA 2Night 2002 Walkthroughs

   Basketball Head...
   Better Players...
   Better Shooting...
   Big Feet...
   Big Hands...
   Big Head...
   Easy Dunking...
   Flat Players...
   Invisble Players...
   No Overhead Lights...
   No Specators...
   Show Ball Trails...
   Small Players...

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Basketball Head

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "BALLHEAD".

Better Players

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "ABILITYBONUS".

Better Shooting

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "EXCELLENT".

Big Feet

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "BIGFOOT".

Big Hands

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "BIGHAND".

Big Head

Go to opions and go to cheats - type in "bighead".

Easy Dunking

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "DUNKERS".

Flat Players

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "PANCAKE".

Invisble Players

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "INVISIBLE".

No Overhead Lights

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "DARKNESS".

No Specators

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "NOSPECTATOR".

Show Ball Trails

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "BEFOREIMAGE".

Small Players

Enter the following at the'cheats screen in the options menu: "MINIMINI".

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